Friday, November 28, 2008


Are you ready for an exciting new way to win cash and prizes! We are happy to announce a new Click n'Win feature -
ClixGid! When you log into your ClixSense account, you will now notice a new left menu link titled "ClixGrid".

What is ClixGrid?
ClixGrid allows members to click anywhere on an image grid for a chance to win a cash prize. If you click on the
hidden pixel prize - YOU WIN!! Prizes range from 1 cent to $5.00!! If you win a cash prize, the prize is
instantly credited to your ClixSense account. If you don't win, you are shown an advertisers webpage.
Login to your ClixSense account now to check it out!

Affiliate incentive
Not only do you still get paid for clicking ads, still get paid 10 cents for referring new members, and 10% of ad purchase revenues from your downline... Premium members will now get paid FIVE LEVELS deep for referrals who upgrade their accounts to Premuim accounts! You heard it right - Five Levels! With the old program you only received $5 for each upgrade you referred. If you referred three, your maximum earnings for those referrals was $15. With our new and improved affiliate program, your max earnings for those three referrals is up to $366.50!!!

Free Referral Program
When you refer a new member to you earn commissions three ways. First, for every person that you refer, you will earn a special commission of $0.10 cents. Second, when your referral purchases an ad spot on, you receive 10% of the fee ClixSense charges to display the ad. The third way of earning is if your referral upgrades to a "Premium" account, you earn $2.00 of the upgrade fee. Management reserves the right to extend this offer.

Here is your referral URL used to refer others to ClixSense:
Click Here Register

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